Janata Dal – U leaders in Patna on Thursday torched the effigy of the UPA government for failing to resolve power situation in the state even as the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leaders staged their own dharna accusing the ruling NDA administration in Bihar for the state's continuing power woes."This (the UPA) government has been playing games when it comes to providing electricity to Bihar and that is a fact that can be easily verified by anyone. There is no doubt that there is a concerted effort to block any development in the state and leaders like the Railway Minister and the RJD president Lalu Prasad Yadav are part of this grand conspiracy," said JD-U state spokesperson Anil Pathak.Party leader Ravindra Singh said the JD-U would go to each and every single village and block and apprise the people of Bihar of the nefarious design of the UPA government.Meanwhile, at the Income Tax roundabout, the RJD leaders were staging their own protest against the NDA government in Bihar accusing it of exactly what the JD-U leaders were accusing the UPA government of."Nitish Kumar is blaming the Central government to hide its own failure and until this problem is resolved, we will continue with out agitation," said Lalu surrogate Nihora Prasad Yadav.Shyam Rajak, former Power Minister under the Rabri administration, said the Chief Minister was lying on the issue of electricity when Bihar was being given 90 megawatt more than before at the behest of Lalu Prasad Yadav.RJD MP Ram Kripal Yadav described Nitish Kumar as an autocrat who was engaging in a malicious propaganda against the UPA government to cover up its utter administrative failure.
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