Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, at a meeting at NDA headquarters in Patna on Wednesday, slammed the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader and Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav accusing him of intentionally derailing projects in Bihar 'in an attempt to keep the state backward'."The UPA government and the Railway Minister are deliberately causing hurdles in the path of development in Bihar. Anyone who wishes to invest in the state is discouraged to do so by none other than Lalu Prasad Yadav," the Chief Minister said adding by creating new rules to suit its political agenda, the Center was doing its best to not supply additional electricity to Bihar.Kumar further said that the people of Bihar needed more kerosene to combat prolonged power cuts in the state but the Center changed the rules so one had to be living below the poverty level to be able to buy it."Even our power plants are suffering as we are not able to get coals to run them and what we get from the Center is of such a low quality that the power plants are not able to function smoothly," he said.Continuing his assault on the Sonia-led UPA government, the Chief Minister said the Center had imposed a ban on setting up a unit of ethanol causing delay in the revival of sugar industries in Bihar."To add insult to injury, the leaders from Bihar in the UPA government are actively engaging in bad-mouthing the state in an attempt to prevent any investment from coming to the state," Kumar said while narrating a first hand experience when the Railway Minister interrupted a meeting between him and an industrialist interested in investing in Bihar."We were in the middle of a meeting when the Railway Minister called our guest and asked him why he was showing interest in Bihar when he never cared to come to the state during the entire RJD rule," the Chief Minister said.
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